ACT Cabs
fare estimator
fare rates
complaints & compliments
corporate account
school runs account
Individual account
business solutions
taxi caller
corporate account
pre-paid vouchers
taxi butler
mobile app
other services
taxi subsidy scheme (TSS)
taxi operators
SmartMove Login
Operator Portal Login
Buy a Taxi
Join ACT Cabs
Fleet Inspection Dates
taxi drivers
Work as a Taxi Driver
Apply for ACT Cabs driver PIN
taxi plates
Terms of Use
Code of Conduct
Safety Management System (SMS)
Work Health & Safety Policy
Drugs and Alcohol Policy
Privacy Policy
Human Rights and Anti-Discrimination Policy
about us
Who we are
Company values
Frequently Asked Questions
Taxi Ranks
Customer service charter
Complaints & Compliments
Indicates required field
Taxi booking reference number (optional)
If you booked a taxi with ACT Cabs, you will have received a booking confirmation email and SMS. Please provide the booking reference number that you received.
Pick-up time (optional)
Taxi registration number (optional)
This is the plate number of the vehicle. Providing the plate number will assist ACT Cabs Administration to identify the vehicle.
Drop-off time (optional)
Pick-up address (optional)
Drop-off address (optional)
Date of incident
Time of incident
Please indicate the time this incident occurred. If you don't know the exact time, please indicate an approximate time.
Location of incident
Please indicate a street name where this occurred or indicate your pick up and drop off locations.
Does your incident relate to an ACT CABS taxi? (Note: Please read the guidance written inside the '?' symbol here
please select
Yes, it was an ACT CABS branded taxi
No, it was a taxi belonging to a different taxi company (E.g. Canberra Elite Taxis, Silver Service or EZY Cabs)
I am unsure if weather or not it was an ACT CABS taxi
There are three main taxi companies that operate in Canberra and surrounding NSW regions. These are: 1. ACT CABS, 2. Aerial Capital Group (Trading as: 'AERIAL CG', 'Canberra Elite Taxis' or 'Silver Service'); and 3. Ezy Cabs. Please state if whether or not your complaint or compliment relates to a taxi that is affiliated with ACT CABS. If applicable, you should check the name shown on your receipt or your bank transaction to verify this. We can only investigate claims that relate to 'ACT CABS'.
I have read the guidance on this form and declare that this incident relates to an ACT CABS™ branded taxi
There are three main taxi companies that operate in Canberra and surrounding NSW regions. These are: 1. ACT CABS, 2. Aerial Capital Group (Trading as: 'AERIAL CG', 'Canberra Elite Taxis' or 'Silver Service'); and 3. Ezy Cabs. Please state if whether or not your complaint or compliment relates to a taxi that is affiliated with ACT CABS. If applicable, you should check the name shown on your receipt or your bank transaction to verify this. We can only investigate claims that relate to 'ACT CABS'.
Attach evidence of your incident e.g. a photo of the receipt (optional)
Max file size: 20MB
Evidence of the trip can include a receipt, photo of your bank transaction, photo of a booking confirmation email or SMS, photo of the vehicle or the driver's authority card, etc.
Details of the incident
ACT Cabs
fare estimator
fare rates
complaints & compliments
corporate account
school runs account
Individual account
business solutions
taxi caller
corporate account
pre-paid vouchers
taxi butler
mobile app
other services
taxi subsidy scheme (TSS)
taxi operators
SmartMove Login
Operator Portal Login
Buy a Taxi
Join ACT Cabs
Fleet Inspection Dates
taxi drivers
Work as a Taxi Driver
Apply for ACT Cabs driver PIN
taxi plates
Terms of Use
Code of Conduct
Safety Management System (SMS)
Work Health & Safety Policy
Drugs and Alcohol Policy
Privacy Policy
Human Rights and Anti-Discrimination Policy
about us
Who we are
Company values
Frequently Asked Questions
Taxi Ranks
Customer service charter